Saturday, July 13, 2013

When the Natural Realm seems too strong…

Test 3. When the powers of the natural realm seem too powerful
In Matthew 14: 28-30, we find the famous story of Peter walking on water. Initially, as Christ called him out of the boat, he moved forward in faith, and his faith in Jesus held him. But then he took his eyes off Jesus and he looked at the storms around, at the wind and the waves, and he began to question how walking on water was possible. It might have been pride that made him fall, “Look at me guys, I’m walking on water!” or it might have been doubt, “Oh no, what am I doing? I shouldn’t have gotten out of the boat.” Whatever the case, at the moment he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink.

How often have we done the same? Jesus has taken us down a road of faith. We've seen Him work in the past; we see Him working even now. But then our eyes get distracted by the storms around us. The natural realm seems too powerful to be overcome! Will we trust Him even then? Or will we sink into discouragement and despair thinking, “It's too impossible, too difficult! I've gone too far out on a limb. God can’t possibly over-rule this situation!”

“Are you tempted to give way to feelings of anxious foreboding or utter despondency? In the darkest days, when appearances seem most forbidding, fear not. Have faith in God. When in faith we take hold of his strength, He will change, wonderfully change the most hopeless discouraging outlook. He will do this for the glory of His name.”[i]

Oh that we would keep our eyes on Jesus, to the only one that has power to still the waves and the sea. Oh that we would trust Him, even in the midst of the storms. He is still there, and He's more powerful, far more powerful, than any storm we will ever encounter in this life. But until our faith has walked through storms, we don’t know Him to be true. Will we endure and hold on even when the powers of the natural realm seem too powerful?

[i] 8th Testimonies, p. 12

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