Tuesday, December 03, 2013

From Law Clerk to Powerful Preacher

Today I'm sharing one more excerpt straight from our upcoming book: Daring to Ask for More: Divine Keys to Answered Prayer and Successful Ministry. I think this story of how the Holy Spirit was poured out in one life will inspire you!

From Law Clerk to Powerful Preacher
Another well-known evangelist, perhaps one of the most iconic figures in American religious history is that of Charles G. Finney. Although born in the early 1800’s, before Dwight L. Moody, he has a similar testimony—and may have even been an influential figure in Moody’s conversion.

Dr. Ron Clouzet, in his book Adventism’s Greatest Need, shares Finney’s story.[i]

At the age of 26, Charles Finney was “almost as ignorant of religion as a heathen.” He owned a Bible and attended church, but he didn’t understand the sermons and he wasn’t sure that he believed in prayer because he didn’t see many answers. However, one thing he did know, and that was that he was a sinner and needed salvation.

Determined to give his heart to the Lord and receive salvation, he began reading his Bible and wrestling with the Lord in prayer. Within a few days, feeling no sign of blessing and thinking he may be lost, he was close to despair. Not long after, an inner voice challenged him. “What are you trying to do? Are you trying to work out your righteousness on your own? Did you not promise to give your heart to God? What are you waiting for?”

At this moment, Finney’s mind opened “like a thousand windows to the sunlight” and he was able to see the reality and fullness of the atonement and that salvation was an “offer to be accepted,” not something he could ever earn. With joy, he told God, “Yes, I will accept your gift today or I will die in the attempt!”

Rushing to a nearby wooded area, he began to pray. However, self-conscious lest someone might hear him, he felt restrained. Finally, recognizing his pride, he poured out his heart to God in deep consternation and repentance, begging His forgiveness.

At once the promise came to him, “Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:12,13).

In Finney’s own words he recounts, “I instantly seized hold of this with my heart. I had intellectually believed the Bible before, but never had the truth been in my mind that faith was a voluntary trust instead of an intellectual state…I cried to Him, ‘Lord, I take thee at Thy Word.’”[ii]

Recognizing that God does not lie, He knew God had heard his prayer, and in peace, he finally returned to work.

Later that evening, back in his room at the office, where he worked as a law clerk, Finney met the Lord face to face. Describing the experience, he later wrote:

“There was no fire, and no light, in the room; nevertheless it appeared to me as if it was perfectly light. As I went in and shut the door after me, it seemed as if I met the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It did not occur to me then, nor did it for some time afterward, that it was wholly a mental state. On the contrary, it seemed to me that I saw Him as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked at me in such a manner as to break me right down at his feet. I have always since regarded this as a most remarkable state of mind; for it seemed to me a reality, that He stood before me, and I fell down at His feet and poured out my soul to Him. I wept aloud like a child, and made such confessions as I could with a chocked utterance. It seemed to me that I bathed His feet with my tears; and yet I had no distinct impression that I touched Him.”[iii]

While the experience may have seemed like just a figment of his imagination, the reality of what happened that day—both in the woods and in his bedroom—was far from imaginary. Finney was a changed man, a surrendered man, and a Holy Spirit filled man, and as a result, his life began to bear fruit for the kingdom with astounding success.

The day following his conversion, he spoke with many of his friends and neighbors, and every one of them was soon converted. In fact, upon Finney asking the blessing over a meal, a young unbeliever at the table was so convicted of his sins that he fled to his room and came out the next morning a converted man.

Everywhere he went, the Holy Spirit followed him, bringing power to his words and changing hearts. At first he just preached in little schoolhouses and country churches, but soon his influence was felt more wide spread. While Finney’s “powerful preaching against sin and his stirring presentation of the claims of Christ” seemed overboard and harsh to some, in reality he was a man of tears and tender spirit. As a result, thousands came to Christ.

A convert in Rochester, New York, left a description of Finney’s revival ministry in that city in which more than a hundred thousand came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus within one year. In his own words, this new convert writes the following:

“The whole community was stirred. Religion was the topic of conversation, in the house, in the shop, in the office, and on the street…The only theater in the city was converted into a livery stable; the only circus into a soap and candle factory. Grog shops were closed; the Sabbath was honored; the sanctuaries were thronged with happy worshipers; a new impulse was given to every philanthropic enterprise; the fountains of benevolence were opened, and men lived to do good. It is worthy of special notice that a very large number of leading men of the place were among the converts—lawyers, the judges, physicians, merchants, bankers, and master mechanics. These classes were more moved from the very first more than any other. Tall oaks were bowed as by the blast of the hurricane. Skeptics and scoffers were brought in, and a large number of the most promising young men…The whole character of the city was changed by that revival.”[iv]

Charles Finney spent over thirty years preaching, praying, and seeing thousands converted as he traveled up and down through the different towns in New York. In Boston, 50,000 accepted Christ in one week alone. In fact, the Holy Spirit was so notably a part of his life and ministry, that it was even reported that some gave their heart to Christ as the train went by in which Finney happened to be traveling. Estimates say that he was responsible for a half a million conversions during his lifetime.

Finney's story is true remarkable! But what about us? What if we haven't met Jesus face to face? What if we don't feel like we've received the fire? 

Well…I'll address this topic tomorrow! So come back next time for more Morning Sonshine! ;-)

[i] Ron E.M. Clouzet, Adventism’s Greatest Need, p. 113-115
[ii] Helen Wessel, ed. The Autobiography of Charles G. Finney (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1977), 8,10.
[iii] V. Raymond Edman, They found the Secret, p. 64-65
[iv] V. Raymond Edman, They found the Secret, p. 64-65

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