Friday, March 23, 2018

Day 82 - Is Our Hearts lifted up above Others?

Today's Reading: Deut. 17-18 and Romans 3

My brief thought from reading will come from Deut. 17 today.

I thought it was inspiring reading the principles that should govern Kings -- and I think this should apply to leadership even today, especially in the church.

  • For one, that leader/king should be the one God chooses. 
  • For two, he is not to be king to please his own desires or multiply wealth for himself. That's not his function. (And yet how often that's what happens to those in power!) 
  • For three, he should be a man of God, and he should be much in the Word! (How else is he to have wisdom to run his kingdom or be the leader God is calling him to be!)
  • But one of the main reasons for him to spend much time in God's Word is so he learns to fear and obey God, and also so his heart is NOT lifted up above his brethren up in PRIDE! (This is really what jumped out at me as I read!)
Woah! Wow! So let's stop right there. Do we recognize the significance of this? If Kings/Presidents/Church leaders/Ministry leaders/even Us are much in the Word our heart is not going to be lifted up above our fellows... Why? For we recognize our true place in relation to God... and that is, we are NOTHING apart from God. NOTHING! Our best, as Pastor John Bradshaw reminded us this past week at GC worships, is still not good enough for God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. It is only as His righteousness covers us that we have any merit in the sight of God. The reality is that we have no reason to boast but in the cross of Christ.

Pride is soooo subtle... sooo deadly... and it's the death of most Kings and leaders. But it's also the death of us as well. That's why we need so desperately to be much in God's Word! What a powerful message for those in leadership and for our own hearts! 

In case you need a reminder of how much you need Jesus saving Grace in your life, why don't you read the following: Dying to Self or The Beauty of Humility!  These both really put things in perspective! Our only safety is from an Abiding relationship with Christ... and we abide through much time in His Word. 

Tomorrow's Reading: Deut. 19-20 and Romans 4

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