Here we read more about the good King Hezekiah. I was impressed as I was reading again about how he opened the temple doors that had been shut (by the former king) and asked that all the filthiness and idols be removed, then he rededicated the temple. This week we've visited the sites of some famous martyrs in the history of the Pre-Protestant Reformation. Besides the Waldensians, several notable figures have been Huss and Jerome and Felix Manz and others... all people who died for their faith. As I've been listening and learning afresh and taking notes on these stories of earlier martyrs in church history, I've been feeling the need to rededicate my own heart temple... to clean out the cobwebs of compromise, and lukewarmness, and ask God to give me a deeper consecration, a deeper faith, a more fervent love... a love that will be willing to die for the Lord! I have always believed I'd be willing, if the time came, but when I see the courage and faith and persecution that these people went through it makes me recognize my own inadequacies and how truly unready I am for persecution (of any form). That's why I am praying that God will help me rededicate this heart temple...
Let's rededicate our heart temple and put on the armor!
Tomorrow's Reading: 2 Chron. 31-32 and Luke 1:1-38