Saturday, March 09, 2013

Desperate for Revival!

"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." Ps. 42:1

As I'm studying more deeply into the topic of prayer I've been reading the book called "Revival Fire" by Wesley Duewel. Time and time again I read stories of miraculous amazing revivals. Each time different things occurred and different people were praying, but there was always something constant. The people who prayed weren't settling for life as they knew it anymore. They were desperate, they were pleading that God would do something!

Are we desperate for God? Are we desperate for Revival? Will we stop at nothing to receive His blessings? Or are we going to our weekly prayer meeting out of duty? Are we having family prayers as our routine and form? Are we praying and wishing…but just half-hearted in our quest.

Time and time I see that when people get desperate for God, God works. He sends revival! This is what I long for once again!

"A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer. When churches are revived, it is because some individual seeks earnestly for the blessingof God. He hungers and thirsts after God, and asks in faith, and receives accordingly. He goes to work in earnest, feeling his great dependence upon the Lord, and souls are aroused to seek for a like blessing, and a season of refreshing falls upon the hearts of men. Many are weary of their half-hearted service. Their souls cry out after the living God. They cannot be satisfied with a form of godliness; they long for the deep movings of the Holy Spirit. Let the weary, discouraged one cry, as did Jacob, for the Comforter. Let him lay bare his soul in the secret place before God. Let him with loathing put away soul-defilement. The work is between him and his God." HM November 1, 1890, par. 29

  • Bible Thought: If we want REVIVAL…we must be as desperate for it as the deer is for water!
  • Blessing: He's increasing my desperation. I know an answer is coming. Revival is coming!
  • Battles: To not be distracted by the "trifles of life" but to keep seeking Him with all my heart mind and strength!


  1. I'm so aware of my lack of love for souls. I'm totally incapable of manufacturing it. I know I need to have it. Yet, though I don't feel it, I know God can produce it within me. He blesses the poor in Spirit; those who know their need.
    I don't go in search of souls for God's Kingdom because I feel like it. I pray and then act in faith. I go anyway. The feelings will eventually follow. I remember that the water didn't part till the priests
    put their feet in it. Act out the faith you want to feel to the depths of your soul. Your feelings will follow your actions.

  2. Amen. So blessed by this comment... Would like to share that I got my first glimpse of how to really study the Bible about a year ago. Have kept at it - surrounding myself with sermons characterized by the study methods I learned. Have attended all the opportunities I could where God's Spirit is being poured out abundantly - camp meetings, my local church meetings, etc. Started a prayer ministry at my church. 1 year - 1 person on the call. HOWEVER - the prayers heaped up. The first of March, the "rain" began pouring where I am. On me. On my local church. My cup runs over. I cannot hardly do my employment because my excitement for Bible Study and teaching/training my local church family is so extensive. Forced me to exersize - to create more capacity for the Holy Spirit to fill! So - hang in there. Keep on the path. Soon your intellectual knowledge + your personal spiritual experience WILL = your personal emotional response to the things of Jesus... :-)
