Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The difficult Disciple

Yesterday I wrote about Judas… but today I have to share about another disciple that seemed to cause a lot of trouble. If you think about it, while Judas was the betrayer in the end, he was not the one that Jesus reproved most often. Who got the most rebukes and maybe seemed the most unpromising and difficult of all the disciples? It was Peter! In one instance, Christ even said to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan!" He called Peter and what he was saying of Satan! Ouch, that hurts!!!

If you really think about it, Peter was quite a difficult disciple in the beginning. Listen to the following:

"Before his fall, Peter was always speaking unadvisedly, from the impulse of the moment. He was always ready to correct others, and to express his mind, before he had a clear comprehension of himself or of what he had to say. But the converted Peter was very different. He retained his former fervor, but the grace of Christ regulated his zeal. He was no longer impetuous, self-confident, and self-exalted, but calm, self-possessed, and teachable. He could then feed the lambs as well as the sheep of Christ’s flock. The Saviour’s manner of dealing with Peter had a lesson for him and for his brethren. It taught them to meet the transgressor with patience, sympathy, and forgiving love. Although Peter had denied his Lord, the love which Jesus bore him never faltered. Just such love should the undershepherd feel for the sheep and lambs committed to his care. Remembering his own weakness and failure, Peter was to deal with his flock as tenderly as Christ had dealt with him…. " Lift Him Up, p. 224

In yesterday's post, as I talked about Judas, I shared a quote from the book Ministry of Healing.  Let me pick up with the next paragraph. And this is why I was inspired to share about Peter today and how difficult he was, and yet how God changed him so amazingly:

"Not all, even of those who appear most faulty, are like Judas. Peter, impetuous, hasty, and self-confident, often appeared to far greater disadvantage than Judas did. He was oftener reproved by the Saviour. But what a life of service and sacrifice was his! What a testimony does it bear to the power of God’s grace! So far as we are capable, we are to be to others what Jesus was to His disciples when He walked and talked with them on the earth." p. 493

Isn't that encouraging? If you feel like you are that difficult disciple, and maybe often feel reproved, just imagine what Christ may be preparing your life for? Maybe your life will be a testimony to many others of God's amazing grace. 


  • Bible Thoughts: The difficult disciple, when subdued by Christ, can often turn out to be the most effective!
  • Blessing: So thankful that God is patient with me even when I'm difficult.
  • Battles: To allow God to round off the rough edges from my character!

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