Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Day 107 - Glimpses of Jesus...

Today's Reading: Judges 15-16 and Mark 5

In today's reading, we find many more interesting facts of Samson's life and conquest. He judged Israel over 20 years. But there are only a few stories shared from these twenty years, and the most notable both have to do with his lusts for women.

So this time it's Delilah... and despite her obvious attempts to destroy him, he keeps going back?! What drew him back? Was the cry of his flesh so strong that he was willing to play with the threat of death to satisfy his thirst? Or had he already experienced so many victories, that he had become self-confident and proud, thinking that even after he gave her the secret of his strength, everything would still be okay just as it had been every other time? That's the dangers or success... especially among God's people. If we don't stay humble before the Cross, our success begins to go to our head, and we begin to feel proud and think we had something to do with our success and we stop relying on God. And that is always when we fall!

Whatever the case, obviously Samson has not learned his lesson. Again Delilah pleads with him to give her the secret of his strength, and again and again she uses that secret against him. "How can you say you love me when you don't tell me the secret?" she whines. Hmmmm... we've heard that line before! So he finally wearies and tells her the secret. "He tells her all his heart," as the Bible says. And so, the Spirit of the Lord leaves Samson... and he is overcome!

However, God does not wholly forsake Samson, as evidenced by the answer to Samson's final prayer. And in the end, Samson is finally avenged of his enemies!

You know what is beautiful? Even in this twisted story, we can see pictures of Jesus. Samson was betrayed by a woman. Jesus was also betrayed by a woman (His church). Samson was put between two beams, and Jesus was put between two crosses. Samson killed more in his death than in His life, so Jesus saved more in His death than He did in His life!

The story of Samson in the book of Judges is often regarded as a failure, yet it's interesting to note that Samson is actually listed in Hebrews 11 with the great heroes of faith. So while he may have died as slave to the Philistines, it seems his heart was changed, and God heard his final prayers for deliverance...not just for death, but for eternal life. So there is hope, even in His end.

Tomorrow's Reading: Judges 17-18 and Mark 6

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