Friday, February 02, 2018

Day 33 - We must ENDURE!

Today's Reading: Exodus 17-18 & Matt. 24

In today's reading I was inspired seeing how the prayers of Moses directly contributed to Israel's first victory in battle. However, he didn't pray alone. Aaron and Hur came and stood by his side and held up his arms until the Israelites had defeated the Amalakites. Right there is an example of the beauty of standing side by side in united prayer.

The part that really spoke to me from today's reading though comes from Matthew 24. Jesus is telling his disciples what the signs of the end of the world will be. Many things are to come to pass before Jesus comes. It's going to be a time of great testing and great taxation upon the human soul. If the days were not cut short, Jesus says, no flesh would be saved alive. But the phrase that really jumped out to me today is "He that ENDURES to the end will be saved."

Check out this sobering quote from The Great Controversy, p. 621-622. I made bold specific portions!

"The season of distress and anguish before us will require a faith that can endure weariness, delay, and hunger—a faith that will not faint though severely tried. The period of probation is granted to all to prepare for that time. Jacob prevailed because he was persevering and determined. His victory is an evidence ofthe power of importunate prayer. All who will lay hold of God’s promises, as he did, and be as earnest and persevering as he was, will succeed as he succeeded. Those who are unwilling to deny self, to agonize before God, to pray long and earnestly for His blessing, will not obtain it. Wrestling with God—how few know what it is! How few have ever had their souls drawn out after God with intensity of desire until every power is on the stretch. When waves of despair which no language can express sweep over the suppliant, how few cling with unyielding faith to the promises of God. {GC 621.2}
Those who exercise but little faith now, are in the greatest danger of falling under the power of satanic delusions and the decree to compel the conscience. And even if they endure the test they will be plunged into deeper distress and anguish in the time of trouble, because they have never made it a habit to trust in God. The lessons of faith which they have neglected they will be forced to learn under a terrible pressure of discouragement. {GC 622.1}
We should now acquaint ourselves with God by proving His promises. Angels record every prayer that is earnest and sincere. We should rather dispense with selfish gratifications than neglect communion with God. The deepest poverty, the greatest self-denial, with His approval, is better than riches, honors, ease, and friendship without it. We must take time to pray. If we allow our minds to be absorbed by worldly interests, the Lord may give us time by removing from us our idols of gold, of houses, or of fertile lands. {GC 622.2}

Enduring hardship, difficulties, pain....especially when it is drawn out and protracted is so difficult. And the days to come, difficulties, persecution, and more is going to seem to go on without end. We are going to be crying "LORD HOW LONG?! HOW LONG!?" But we must ENDURE!! The ways that we are preparing for that great trial is by learning to TRUST GOD and ENDURE thru the little trials of today. It's not easy... facing pain, suffering, loss... but I choose to trust God even when my pathway is blinded by tears, even when I feel I cannot endure any longer... I choose to walk forward in FAITH. Of course, none of us have strength to face what lies ahead, but if we learn to place our entire confidence in Him today, He will give us strength for the days to come. Let us learn to ENDURE whatever God allows across our path today, for He is building our faith for what is to come.

Tomorrow's Reading: Exodus 19-20 and Matt. 24

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