Monday, April 02, 2018

Day 92 - Stones of Rememberance

Today's Reading: Joshua 4-5 and Rom. 10

The Lord did not want the children of Israel to forget how He had stopped the water so they could walk over on dry land thru the Jordan, so He commanded Joshua to have one individual from each tribe pick up a stone from the bottom of the Jordan and bring it to the other side. These were to be set up as an altar, as stone of remembrance.

Do we ever set up stones of remembrance in our lives? 

That doesn't mean we collect rocks, but perhaps, we should have a certain way to remind ourselves of the Lord's working... maybe a journal, maybe a jar of blessings, or whatever it may be. Something that I have done in years past is put all my answered prayers into a jar. As I watched the jar slowly filling with answered prayers, my faith grew. Then when I was discouraged and sometimes wondered if God was still working or was with me, I would remind myself of what He'd already done and my faith would be strengthened. Below is a picture of one of my jars of remembrance... This jar sits on a shelf in my home, and it still encourages me today.

I love the quote from Inspiration that says:

"As I see what the Lord has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." (Counsels for the Church, p. 359)

Let's not forget the blessings, the milestones, the ways He has led us. For as He has started the work in us, He will be faithful to complete it. And although we may be walking in a desert wilderness, He will take us safely to the Promised Land. Let us not murmur or complain, but hold tightly to His Word. The reward is coming, because He has promised, and God always keeps His promises.

Tomorrow's Reading: Joshua 6-7 and Romans 11

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