Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Choose Jesus

Jesus gave me a type of analogy the other day.  Our lives here on earth are simply a test.  The time frame is the time of which we actually are living.  The setting is our daily lives.  The test is whether we will choose to love Jesus and live in Perfect Righteousness before Him throughout eternity or whether we will choose to live for this world living in our own selfishness and sins leading to eternal death.

The problem is that we have no ability to live or accomplish any perfect righteousness.  We are born in unrighteousness and we continue in that state no matter how many righteous things we do.  We are hopeless and helpless.  We do not have nor do we know the answers to the test.

Thankfully God knows this and the plan of salvation was developed to meet our need.  Our understanding of our condition is vital to understanding the reality of what true salvation through Christ really is.

Sense we have no ability to answer the test question right or meet its demands we need something/someone else to do it for us.  The Father sent an open book answer for us in His Son.  Jesus died for lived for us in perfect righteousness so that we could have the answer, His life in place of our own.  We must simply accept that Perfect Righteousness that is His and it becomes ours in place of our own.  He gives us the answer.

Not only that but He takes away our penalty.  We so often focus on Him taking away our penalty through His death in place of our own that we forget we need His life in place of our own.  Lets not make that mistake in this open book test or we shall surely fail.

Praise the Lord though for He does take way the penalty of death that has been laid upon us.  What good would the transfer of His life, His Perfect Righteousness be if we simply died anyway because of our past condition of being in sin.  Truly this is a two part question.

The first question: Will you accept His death for the forgiveness and cleansing of sins. (The taking completely away of sins in your life and the cleansing of sins effects and presence)

The second question:  Will you accept His life for you in which is given to you His Perfect Righteousness which enables you to live a life of righteousness by faith in Him alone.

We in our works, efforts, and abilities have nothing to do with answering these things or accomplishing them.  Yet they are freely given to us to be accepted, incorporated, and utilized in our lives / in this final open book test in the few moments remaining.  Choose Jesus!  In Him you will never fail.

Matt F Mattzella

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