Friday, January 19, 2018

Day 19 - Faithful behind Bars!

 Today's Reading: Gen. 39-40 and Matthew 14

Reading today, I was inspired once again by Joseph's faithfulness even as a captive. He could have been difficult, he could have done the least needed to get by.... but it's obvious he was a diligent servant that went above and beyond the call of duty...that's why he got promoted.

In prison, he could have sat down in a heap and grumbled and decided he was going to stop serving. But he remained faithful there, and was promoted again. Wow! And the keeper of the prison didn't even worry about anything that he did... He trusted Joseph!

This challenges me.... am I faithfully doing my best, even willing to go above and beyond the call of duty no matter the circumstance and no matter how I'm treated? Will I continue to do this even if I am behind prison bars? I pray so! Someday, we might just be put to that test!

I also love the parallels we see to Christ. In prison there was a butler and baker who were cast into prison with Joseph. One lived (the butler) and one died (the baker). So Jesus was surrounded by two thieves on the Cross. One chose to believe and will have eternal life, and one died the eternal death due to unbelief.

Tomorrow's Reading: Gen. 41-42, and Matthew 15

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