Thursday, January 04, 2018

Day 4 - Lessons from Noah's Sacrifice!

Today's Reading: Gen. 7-8 and Psalms 1-2

Wow! Only four days into this Bible reading challenge and already being so blessed!

So many lessons from today. Today the key thought I'd like to share focuses on Noah and his sacrifice of WORSHIP and THANKSGIVING at the end of the flood.

In Genesis 8:20 we find Noah offering 1 of every clean animal and bird that he brought with him in the Ark. (If you think about it, that was a lot of animals to kill!) Of course, keep in mind there are only 7 clean animals total of each the population of said species is practically extinct, and there aren't much options left for repopulating the earth, or for clean meat. And yet by this sacrifice, Noah expressed faith and confidence in God's ability to provide, as he seemed to say, "I'd rather have less animals with YOUR BLESSING, and trust You to provide, then keep what I see for myself without Your blessing!" This was like a tithe he made to God and is a great lesson for us today in tithing--even when we have so little. However, even beyond this lesson, we find a symbol of the Sabbath being shared.

God says, I made six days for you, but the 7th is for me! Here we find Noah and his family get to keep 6 animals (of each clean species), but the 7th animal is for God. Beautiful! And of course, God multiplied what was left. What a great God we serve!

Prayer: Dear Lord, may we truly learn what it means to sacrifice our first fruits, our best, our all, for Your glory! May we never forget that not only is the 7th Yours, but all we have is Yours!

Tomorrow's reading: Gen. 9-11, and Matthew 4

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