Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Day 142 - No Confusion with God

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 12,13 and 1 Cor. 14

Sad to see what happens when Solomon's sons continue to turn away from God, reaping the seed that their father had sown by his marriage with heathen woman. But what I find really interesting and a bit puzzling from today's reading is the conflict between the prophets.

A prophet of God comes from Judah and speaks against King Jeroboam. The king is angry and wants to reach out and destroy the prophet, but as he stretches forth his hand, it instantly withers. Recognizing that before him stands a true prophet of God, he begs the prophet to pray that his hand would be healed. The prophet prays and the king's hand is healed. Then the king's attitude changes as he begs the prophet to stay and eat. But the prophet responds, "If you will give me half your house, I will not return with you, nor will I drink water or eat bread in this place." He refused because God had told him not to stay or even eat or drink there.

However, after the prophet goes on his way, another man comes after him, who also claims to be a man of God and begs him to come and eat. The prophet resists, but then the man tells him, "I'm a prophet also. An angel came and told me that you should come and eat with me." Here the prophet should have seen warning signs. Why would God contradict His word.... by telling him one thing, and this claimed prophet another thing? But without further argument he goes and eats and drinks with this man. And his disobedience to God cost him his life, for later as he returned home, a lion killed him.

This story is a little hard to understand, and it seems harsh that this prophet would die as a result of following what appeared to be God's word leading him in a new direction. But I think perhaps God allowed the second prophet (who came and lied to him) to come as a test...to prove and see if this man would really follow what God had told him to do.

In 1 Cor. 14 I was reminded that God is not the author of confusion, but of order. So my take-away from this morning's study is... If there is fog in an area of our lives, or we feel conflicted over which way to go (knowing that God has given us other directions previously)  perhaps we should wait until we have spiritual clarity before we move forward. As I've heard it said, "If in doubt, don't!" Clarity comes through God's Word, through prayer and fasting. Secondarily it comes through providential circumstances, and even through counselors. When I don't know what to do or I'm confused about something, I always claim the promises of James 1:5, Isa. 30:21, Ps. 32:8, Ps. 119:105, and Prov. 3:5,6. It's also important that my will is neutral... willing to go any way that God leads. When I pray and wait on God, stay surrendered in will and desires, and don't impatiently seek to run ahead going my own way, God has always given me spiritual clarity. ALWAYS! He is not the author of confusion!

Tomorrow's Reading: 1 Kings 14,15 and 1 Cor. 15

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