Friday, August 03, 2018

Day 215 - Allow God to be God!

Today's Reading: Job 33-34 and Luke 24

Basically in the last few chapters of Job, Job has been saying, "I am clean without transgression, I am innocent, there is no iniquity in me." And so his friend Elihu, the youngest in the group finally speaks up in anger that Job has justified himself rather than God. Basically he says to Job, "Who do you think you are to speak like this? Do not charge God with injustice, God is greater than man... and He's certainly greater than you! Far be it that Goad should do wickedness or that the Almighty should commit iniquity!"(Paraphrase of thoughts from Job 32-34)

How often we are like Job, trying to reason and rationalize and come up for some explanation for why things have happened as they have. But many times there is no explanation. We can't explain life and we can't explain God. So why don't we just allow God to be God... He doesn't need to explain everything to you or I. Can we trust that He knows what He's doing?

I know I've shared this quote multiple times already, but I think it is applicable again here as I read about Job trying to make sense of his life of no sense.

"God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him.” (Desire if Ages, p. 224)

[The last couple days I've been here in Florida attending the ASI international convention! Love this convention and connecting with so many wonderful people and ministries. God has really been blessing. I've also enjoyed leading the morning prayer time and devotionals for another year. Even more people are coming than last year and I can see that God is really stirring the hearts of His people for a deeper walk with Him. How this thrills my heart! He is working in a mighty way!]

Tomorrow's Reading: Job 35-36 and Phil. 1

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