Sunday, August 26, 2018

Day 238 - Vanity of Wisdom apart from God

Today's Reading: Ecl. 6-7 and Ps. 95-96

Today's reading Solomon talks a lot more about the vanities of life, and the vanities of riches. He should know, for he had it all.

He also makes many surprising statements, things that are backwards from what we would consider normal. He says the day of one's death is better than their birth, sorrow is better than laughter, the end of something is better than the beginning, the just man perisheth in his righteousness and the wicked man's life is prolonged, then he says, there is not a just man that doeth good upon the earth and sinneth not...

There's wisdom in these statements and there's truth... but there's also the cry of one who has squandered the blessings given and is looking back in remorse and sadness.

As if off-setting the previous laments, Solomon shares the following statement of affirmation of God and His power: "Wisdom gives life to them that have it. Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which He hath made crooked?" (Ecl. 7:12-13)

Where is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom? It comes alone from God. Just read this interesting passage in EGW materials on the topic of wisdom and humility:
"God chooses men of a humble and contrite spirit through whom he can work, and imparts to them his wisdom. They are little in their own eyes, and will not interpret success as the result of their own smartness, but will glorify God. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.” If men are entrusted with great responsibilities, this is no assurance of their fitness for their position. The assurance comes after test and trial. If they evidence that they sense their own weakness, if they make God their trust, the Lord will supply them with his wisdom. If they ask in faith, they will increase in knowledge and ability. If they depend upon God day by day, the stages of development will show a symmetrical growth heavenward. If they walk day by day in humility and contrition and wholeheartedness, in the strictest integrity doing justice to their fellow-men, showing reverence and honor to God by being obedient and true to him, keeping the living principles of righteousness, God will honor them." (Ellen G. White, 1888 Materials, p. 1820)
You see, Solomon was humble and contrite in the beginning... and because of that God could work in a great way through him... but what happens when that greatness loses it's humility, and loses sight of God? All is vanity, all is vanity... this is the result... and I believe Solomon saw that at the end...

Let's learn from Solomon and not repeat his mistakes.

Tomorrow's Reading: Ecl. 8-9 and 1 Timothy 1

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