Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are you grasping?…or letting go??

If you notice, there are two different types of people traveling through life… Those that are grasping, and those that are letting go. 

Recently I was browsing thru some of my friend's posts on Facebook….this is not a good idea if you are short on time. Anyway, I find it interesting (and a bit sad actually) as I noticed how predominantly some of them (many of them) are focused on the acquirement and attainment of material possessions…. Like, "check out this new purse I bought? Isn't this the coolest thing?" or "I found the Volvo of my dreams" or "Guess how many shoes I have in my wardrobe?… what? 20, 30? No, guess again! It's more…" And they continue to rant and rave about this or that. 

In the meantime, thousands in the Philippines have just lost their homes due to a Typhoon, and thousands more never even had a home to begin with. Many who have never heard of the Savior will soon pass beyond our reach. Even here in the modern West, all around us people are dying, dying physically and dying spiritually…and we're crooning over our wardrobes, or our new car. 

But I can't just point fingers at others, I have to re-examine my own life as well… "Yikes, Lord! Do you see what I see? Oh, I'm so selfish, sometimes so lazy! Please forgive me." 

One couple I know show the opposite extreme though. Rather than grasping for more, they are letting it go. Preparing to go to Cambodia as missionaries, they are basically selling or giving away all their possessions. In fact, they are only taking over what they can carry with them on the plane. That's how much they are giving away! While most of us Christians are working on getting more, they are working very hard on getting less…and less…and in them I see the spirit of Christ! They are an example of what all of us should be.

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matt. 6:19-21

As my favorite Author writes, "We should be continually loosening our hold upon earth, and fastening it upon Heaven. Soon we must render an account to God for all the deeds done in the body. This accountability extends to our minutest acts, words, and thoughts, and even reaches to the unconscious influence that breathes out from our life like the fragrance from a flower. We must give an account, not only for what we have done both of evil and of good, but for what we might have done, but have neglected. Viewed in this light, life is a sacred trust. It is not mere play. Every moment of it is intensely real, fraught with eternal interests. Let us, then, realize our great need of Christ and our dependence upon him; and let us thank God that help has been laid upon One who is mighty to save." Signs of the Times, August 14, 1884, par. 15

I don't know about you, but I don't want to betray this sacred trust! Let's make every moment count. Rather than grasping, let's learn to lay up treasure in Heaven! Let's let go and give away!

[Note: If any of you would be interested to help support my friends, Bo and Kristin (pictured above with their family) as they head overseas to Cambodia, you can visit their personal website at: Let's help them reach Cambodia for Christ!]

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