Monday, November 04, 2013

God carries our Burdens…Give them to Him!

Do you ever feel like your burden is too heavy? Maybe like me,  you've cried out at times, "God, you say you won't give us more than we can handle. But this is more than I can handle! Please don't trust me with so much!"

But then we get a change of perspective…

Recently a friend of mine lost their spouse. One week later they lost a sibling! With such devastating tragedies (both unexpected and both right after the other) how could you carry on? Only with God!! At the same time, I heard from several other friends that had tragic health news. News that means this time next year they may not be alive.

Suddenly I realize my cross, the cross I bear today, really is not as heavy as I thought…at least not when you consider the fragility of life and how easily it can come to an end. 

Why some live and some die, why some seem to have success while others only try, why some are getting married and are happy and some are left alone to cry, I don't know. But God does. And He promises us that according to our days, so shall our strength be. And so I rest in Him. I will not complain about my cross or my burdens, for God sustains me. And even in the darkness of the valley, He gives joy and cheer. 

"The Lord does not press on anyone burdens too heavy to be borne. He estimates every weight before He allows it to rest upon the hearts of those who are laborers together with Him. To every one of His workers our loving heavenly Father says: “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee” (Psalm 55:22). Let the burden bearers believe that He will carry every load, great or small." God's Amazing Grace, p. 116

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are NOT WORTHY to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Rom. 8:18

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