Friday, November 15, 2013

Planet In Distress

"Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door." Mark 13:29
"My heart cries out with pain for the millions and millions who are suffering the world over from the waves of disasters and conflict that are roiling the globe.  My heart cries out for those whose lives have been turned upside down by super typhoon Haiyan.  But more than anything else, my heart cries out for those who are going to a Christless grave.  With so many in the world accepting that the increasingly dire situation is the “new normal” and working to figure out how to live in it, is there a contingent of Christians who will decide that the new normal is indeed the opening of the final days of the earth – the end times – and resolve to live accordingly?  By saying “live accordingly” I mean that they decide that they will stop pursuing worldly things and will instead become totally dedicated to proclaiming the soon coming of Christ and to readying to meet Him. 
As we see the world continue to come slowly apart at the seams, there are those who will wake up and realize that chasing money or fame or any other indulgence in vanity will net them nothing and, at that moment, there is potential for awakening and for Christ to enter their heart.  
The question is, have Christ’s servants planted a seed so it can sprout at this opportune moment?  Are we, brothers and sisters, planting seeds for Christ, even though the soil may look cold and stony and hard at the current moment?  The good news -the very good news – for those who labor for Christ is that soon and very soon we will see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and what is now a discouraging and unrewarding work will turn rapidly into a profoundly encouraging work as thousands are converted in a day.  But – and this is a key point – our planting of seeds should, as much as humanly possible, be done before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain since the seed must be planted before it can sprout and since workers will be overwhelmed with opportunities in the brief opening of the window in the days ahead.  We really do need to be vigorously and unashamedly about our Masters’ business."1
"When telling us what was coming, Christ also told us in the same verses not to fear.  We should therefore be level headed, loving, compassionate; and should be using a significant portion of our time, resources, and influence to tell people that Christ is coming soon and that all must choose for Him or against Him.  Spreading the message of His love and salvation is the primary thing we should be about."2
By Scott Christiansen, Author of a book and a blog that is titled: "Planet In Distress" 

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