Thursday, August 29, 2013

The REST of the Story…Beyond those tears!

Okay… so do you all remember last week or so when I wrote the post, sometimes you just need to have a good cry? 

Well, let me share briefly…

Back when I posted that, I had been hit hard with several things that really discouraged me. At the time I was preparing to travel down to the AR-LA Conference Headquarters to help Marian, our conference prayer coordinator, with some prayer ministry activities which included leading out in a prayer conference at a church in Shreveport. Because of my discouragement, I seriously thought about canceling the whole trip with her. I just didn't feel like going! However, I decided that I was going to press forward anyway, and trust that God would strengthen me. 

Well, He did! Once I made the decision to look to God instead of myself, the blues lifted and He gave me the peace and strength I needed. And we had an amazing trip together! In fact, so many exciting things happened during this trip, things that wouldn't have happened if I had allowed the enemy to keep me at home crying and feeling sorry for myself. I'm still in amazement of how God has worked. Hopefully in the coming days, I will be able to share some of those things with you. 

Anyway, this isn't the typical morning sunshine thought, but I just wanted to share this as follow-up, because I've seen how the enemy attacks time and time again! He tries to discourage us, and get us feeling sorry for ourselves and overwhelmed so that he can stop us from moving forward in God's work. I'm pretty convicted that if we ever feel those things, especially when preparing for ministry, rather than giving in to our feelings, we need to look up to Christ for help and realizing the enemy is throwing "dust" in our face (as my friend Eric calls it) to keep us from moving forward. 

So let's not be distracted by the dust and keep moving forward!!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and give you a hope and future." Jer. 29:11

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