Sunday, July 21, 2013

Higher than the Highest Human Thought can Imagine…

The Bible tells us, "As high as the heavens are from the earth, so much higher are God's thoughts than our thoughts." Isa. 55:9

Job tells us, "Is not God in the height of the Heavens? And behold the height of the stars, how high are they?"

Astronomy has almost fascinated me, although I can't say I'm an expert on the subject. Far from it! But recently, while reading the book The Circle Maker, I was really inspired by this quote talking about high much higher the heaven's are than us… This is fascinating…

“The basic unit of measurement [in the universe] is a light-year. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, which is so fast that in the time it takes to snap your fingers, light circumnavigates the globe half a dozen times. To put the speed of light and size of the universe into perspective, the sun is 94.4 million miles away from the earth at its farthest distance from us. If you could drive to the sun traveling 65 miles per hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it would take you more than 163 years to get there. The light that warms your face on a sunny day, on the other hand, left the surface of the sun only 8 minutes ago. So while 94.4 million miles may seem like a long distance by earthly standards, it’s our next-door neighbor by celestial measurements. The sun is the nearest star in our tiny little galaxy known as the Milky Way. There are more than 80 billion galaxies in the universe, which, for the record, equates to more than 10 galaxies per person! I don’t think you have to worry about running out of things to do when you get to heaven. It’s an awfully big sandbox. In one minute, light travels 11 million miles. In one day, light travels 160 billion miles. In on year, light travels an unfathomable 5 trillion, 865 billion, 696 million miles. But that’s just one light-year. The outer edge of the universe, according to astrophysicists, is 15.5 billion light-years away! If that seems incomprehensible, it’s because it’s virtually unimaginable. Yet God says that this is the distance between His thoughts and our thoughts.”[i]

All I can say is WOW!!!! Again, what a great God we serve!

[i] Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker, p. 77

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