Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why Not Me?

In Job chapter 2, Job's wife has had it. After losing all their wealth, cattle, and now their children, she is done!

"Why don't you just curse God and die… this is ridiculous! How can you serve a God that treats you like this?" she asks almost in disbelief.

But how does Job respond?

"Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?" Job responded. (Job 2:10)

It's easy to ask "why me" when we are going through hard times in life! "Why are you allowing this God? Why are you doing this to me?" But do we ask the same questions when we are going through good times? 

"Why do I have bread on my table God, when so many around the world go hungry? Why am I spiritually fed, when so many don't even know the Lord? How did I get blessed so much?"

In reality, while most of us in the West still enjoy freedom and liberty…about 90 of the world population live in inhumane horrific conditions. We should be saying, "Why not me, God? Why wasn't I born where they are? Why did I get so privileged to grow up where I have?"

Whatever our condition or circumstance, Job had the right idea.

"The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." Job 1:21

If we have much, praise the Lord. If we have little, praise the Lord. Let us use all we have for His glory!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. .. This thought also occurred to me last night. We were shown pictures of people who were in starvation. .. Every rib and bone showing.. with bloated bellies. Yes why not me? Oh Lord. .. my prayer is to have those years the Locust has eaten. .. to proclaim till Jesus comes how good God really is. .. to do something in response to God's love... how I wish I'd spent my time here more wisely. I've squandered His wealth. .. Lord forgive me and make me into a Caleb and Joshua. ..
