Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Perfect Husband

As a single women, one of my favorite promises is:

"For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called." Isa. 54:5

However, this isn't just a promise for us singles. It's a promise for all of us. God truly longs to be our husband: our Heavenly bridegroom. (And yes, a hum… this is for guys too!) The beautiful thing is, that if we allow Him to be, I truly believe that (while we can also be married to a wonderful godly man or women), He will be the best heavenly "lover" that we could ever hope for. He never fails, He is perfect in His love, and He is always there. (Read my article "My Perfect Valentine" to understand more!)

However, once again, here is where the enemy attacks. He wants us to look at God as harsh and exacting and mean, rather than as a loving Bridegroom. 

Listen to following comparison. Which husband do you have?

Loving Bridegroom vs. Harsh Husband
Christ is called our loving Bridegroom all throughout Scripture. A loving Bridegroom is a patient listener, affectionate, an advocate and rescuer, willing to give up His life to save, quick to respond to the needs of His bride, words of love and kindness are constantly on his tongue, prayers are continually ebbing forth for the benefit of His Beloved. The enemy’s ways are like that of a harsh husband; one who is impatient, cold and haughty, never pleased, distant, demanding, controlling, verbally and physically abusive, selfish and feigning tenderness only to get what he wants. Anything of the nature of a harsh husband that comes against us is not from God.

Let me close with this verse:

"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 1 John 4:8

  • Bible Thought: God is our loving bridegroom. He cares for us so much and He is long suffering and patient. He also asks us to be this way with others.
  • Blessing: I love the Lord so much. He is truly my all and everything! And He has proved His love to me thousands of times over.
  • Battle: I will not be controlled or manipulated by the tactics and lies of the enemy. I know the God in whom I trust!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, since God is love, He seeks to awaken our love for Him by the love He showers upon us. The Bible is God's love letter to us as His bride to be; to His wife. How He must long for our response to His love.
    Love is truly the power I'm hungry for. If His love empowered my every action, if it shown in my countenance, if people sensed it by my presence. ... What sacrifice would be too great to please the object of my heart's Desire? Oh Lord, fill me full of Your Love:empower my life with it.
    I am still so child like in my love for Him. ... yet happily:
    He loves us even as children. So the Bible is also filled with stories, instruction, reproof... and everything that will help us to reach our full potential in life. The heart of our Father longs for us to grow into full recognition of His matchless love! Lord, please help us to see this love. May our picture of it grow ever brighter. Oh may it shine from us in such a way to attract others to You.
