Tuesday, February 05, 2013

First things first…ALWAYS!

There are many things I'd like to share from my studies these past few days. But, since these are suppose to be small "nuggets" and not long epistles (smile smile), I'm trying to keep these Morning Sonshine thoughts brief. And for today's thought, I'm going to share something that has just happened to me, rather than what I studied this morning. 

Have you ever struggled financially and found yourself wondering if you will be able to pay the rest of those bills after you pay your "tithe" and "offerings"?? I've found myself in that dilemna quiet a few times, more in recent times actually, and yet I have learned over the years that if I keep God's needs first, He ALWAYS takes care of mine! (And I have many stories that testify of this fact!)

Well, today I was faced with the same dilemna again. Actually, it wasn't a dilemna, because there's no question in my mind…whether I have the funds or not, I pay tithe and offering. But still… I have to admit, even I struggle with doubt and find myself wondering… how can I make it after I pay my tithe???? 

So by faith, I went ahead and took out God's money from my bank account and sent it on it's way… and about 2 hours later, would you believe it, I discovered that I had actually miscalculated and I had more money in the bank then I realized. (Twice as much as I realized!) 

So…ONCE AGAIN… God reminded me, with a smile upon His face, "If I take care of Kingdom needs first, He'll take care of mine!" He always has, and I know He always will! Isn't He amazing? (And sometimes funny too! I think He allowed me to make that calculation error to once again test my faith and show me that it pays to keep following Him, even if I can't see the road ahead.) 

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt. 6:33

As one of my favorite authors writes: Don't forget, don't falter, "while on earth, we can have help from heaven. I know this; for I have tested God a thousand times. I will walk out by faith, I will not dishonor my Saviour by unbelief."

This is my prayer today too!

Day 36 - Vit. B-3 Challenge
  • Bible Thought: Keep God first, even in finances, and everything will come together. Trust Him!
  • Blessing: It's pretty obvious right? I have more funds then I thought? To about 90% of the world population, I'd actually be considered quite wealthy right now. (Hmmmm….Now that's sobering!)
  • Battles: Praying that God helps me to be faithful listening to that still small voice that tells me which way to walk and what to do. (Isa. 30:21) Faithfulness is one day at a time!
FYI: If you haven't noticed, I've changed my featured books! Now I have two new recommended to read. If you haven't checked these books out, you need to. Very inspiring and convicting on what it means to be a follower of Christ!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Faithfulness is one day at a time! Now that's a one liner I want to keep within my heart and upon my lips until Christ's return. Especially when coupled with: We can have help from heaven.
    Yes, every test is an opportunity; for through them we may gain greater riches of trust. God is so good!
