Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Battle Today...

This morning was glorious... just me and the Lord! After a very busy week of serving others, it was so refreshing to just spend time alone, enjoying His Word and being free to speak unhindered in prayer without worries of disturbing anyone. Truly, it is amazing that the King of the Kings cares and ministers for each one of us as if there is only ONE of us. And He truly ministered to me today. I was so refreshed...

Later in the morning, when I went out for a late morning jog, it was even beginning to snow... it was beautiful! And I just praised God again for this peaceful Oasis that God has given me in the country to quietly work and serve Him!

However, I have to be honest... once my official work day started, I got caught up on e-mails, and then Facebook posts that friends had shared (after all, I haven't been on FB hardly at all this past week and wanted to see updates and pictures people had posted from ARME), and before I knew it, I was reading stories about how our OUR Christian Colleges are teaching evolution, and now how they are trying to get free from the leadership of the church (an amazingly sad drama all in itself)... and then I was reading on Spectrum about the "Harlem shaking" that is occurring with some of the students at many of our popular universities and schools (even the school I attended), and then how there's a family from Germany that came here to the USA for protection to freely home school their kids and how they are now about to be deported back to Germany by a ruling from our supreme court. Then there is the pope's resignation and how the Vatican is helping cover up the sexual abuse scandals by allowing him to live in safety and immunity even after he steps down. Wow....The so called "Christian news network" and newsy FB posts from well meaning friends just went on and on... 

After it was all over, or should I say - after I decided to turn it all off, I have to say that I got very depressed! Depressed to see how far our society and our church educational institutions (at least those that are trying to get away from the church) and much more have fallen! I feel like God gave me a beautiful start to this morning, and then the devil took me to the garbage dump and did everything he could to completely take my joy away... has this every happened to you??

While I know we aren't to hide our heads in the sand, I'm reminded again that to be successful as a soldier of Christ we really MUST KEEP FOCUSED on our goal. Otherwise, all these distractions, even well meaning, can completely pull us off course. Because of all this stuff, even though I was catching up after a week's vacation away from e-mail and all, I really feel like I wasted so much time looking at what the enemy was doing instead of doing what Christ was asking me to do. Ugh!!! "I'm so sorry God!" is all I can say...

I guess one thing sums it all up... and that's a video I saw on Facebook of a little child who was separated by glass from a roaring lion in a zoo. This lion was doing everything that it could to break the glass and get to the child, but the glass protected the child. That video symbolizes that I see happening all around us...

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Pet. 5:8

For some that glass is thin, and it crumbles at the first strike of the enemy. For others it is stronger, but none the less, we can't stay and taunt the enemy, we have to run away! 

I just praise God He is stronger... and tomorrow, I am praying to keep my eyes on Him and not get distracted watching the enemy like I did today! "Lord have mercy on us all! And Lord help me not to stray!"

  • Bible Thought: The devil is a roaring lion... but Jesus will keep us, if we keep our eyes on Him!
  • Blessing: Beautiful insights this morning, will share more tomorrow!
  • Battles: Well, today's is obvious... I feel like I lost it this afternoon, but I praise the Lord that as soon as I recognized this, He helps me start over fresh again! Upward and onward!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally needed this today. It beautifully articulated what I too have been experiencing. But i've been unable to articulate to myself the battle. I guess I couldn't see the forest for the trees. Now I see my path to victory clearly! Praise the Lord!
