Monday, February 25, 2013

The Fragrance of Forgiveness...

Have you ever heard someone say, "I can love him because I'm a Christian, but I don't like him!" Unfortunately, I've found myself with that attitude at times. In general, I don't tend to hold grudges against people. Most things slide off my back like water. However, I've recently realized that there is still much "self" that needs to be purged from my heart. And God still has some purifying in this area that is needed. I need to not only "love" but learn to "like with love" as well. I must learn to forgive, and not just forgive, but forgive with fragrance!

This past weekend, I attended the "Voice of the Martyrs" conference. Although I've loosely followed their work for years, this was my first conference to attend. The speakers and program was phenomenal, and I have been left thinking hard... 

One shared how he, a missionary with his family in the  country of Columbia, has been kidnapped 5 times by the Guerilla's. How one time he was tied to a tree for 5 months, and he determined that since he probably was about to die, he would preach the gospel with all his heart to his captors. As a result, some of the key Guerilla leaders were converted and now assist him with sharing the gospel with more Guerilla troops today. The stories went on and on. Another woman and her husband were kidnapped and held hostage for over a year in the Philippines by the Jihad. You may have heard the story of Gracia Burnham, and her book "In the Presence of Mine Enemies." Finally after a year of hiking through the jungle, and living through over 16 gun battles, she was rescued. However, sadly, her husband died in the last battle and did not make it out alive. Yet today she radiates love and forgiveness and shares how God has enabled her to love those men, and now she has seen some of her captors come to Christ. (This happened in 2001-2002) In fact, right now, she's in the process of helping sponsor the children of one of them, to go to school and get a decent education, so that the cycle of violence will not be repeated in their own lives. Only God can give a love and forgiveness like this!

I pray to have this type of love and forgiveness for those that do me wrong. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." This was Jesus prayer. May it be ours as well!

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heal that crushed it." 

"Lord, May this be the fragrance of my life today! May I not just forgive, but forgive and act in love, even if I don't condone the sin. Show me Lord what it means to heap coals of loving fire upon their head!"


  • Bible thought: Forgiveness means acting in love…not just stating love!
  • Blessing: Someone must have been praying!!!!!! God brought my computer back from the DEAD!!!!! After being in the grave for a week, it has come back to life. So while I wait for the new machine, I can continue to use the programs on the old one. I just PRAISE HIM! Thank you to any of you that prayed!!!!! I can't believe it - this is a MIRACLE!!!!!
  • Battles: Now before me lies one of the biggest projects and challenges of my life… Pray that God would help me complete it and keep the vision and focus!!! (This will be my focus for the next several months…For this reason, my daily "Morning Sonshine" posts may be a bit shorter! We will see!)

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