Friday, March 08, 2013

Sins White as Snow

"Thou your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, thou they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isa. 1:18

It's always a wonder to me how freshly fallen snow can cover the ugliest parts of the earth and make them dazzling and beautiful. 

As I've been reading a couple books by Richard Wurmbrand, whose the founder of "Voice of the Martyrs" I've been reminded of how God's love can cover the most heinous sins and crimes. Over and over again, for 14 years in communist prison, Pastor Wurmbrand suffered torture for his faith. And yet he shared how even while his persecutors were tormenting them, he loved them. How could he do this? 

One of the people who beat him asked one time, "How can you obey a Jesus who commands you to love people who beat you?" He responded. "I don't love you because I'm commanded to. I love you because He first loved me. He's changed me. Just like a crow cannot sing the song of a nightingale, neither can a nightingale sing the song of a crow. He's changed me, and I couldn't hate you even if I tried because He is love!" 

Amazing and bewildering how one could endure such torture, and yet when my feelings are hurt or someone offends me, I'm so apt to give them a dose of their own treatment. You know, they'd just be getting what they deserve. But God has a higher road and a higher standard for us. 

So next time you are slighted, remember how Christ has forgiven you, and then remember prisoners like Richard Wurmbrand, and the modern day Pastor Saeed Abidini, who in the face of persecution can love, and even hug those that beat them! 

  • Bible Thought: So thankful He's made my sins as white as snow!
  • Blessing: He's teaching me to love those that persecute me… I want to have the song of the nightingale too! :-)
  • Battle: To continually seek His agenda and not my own. One day at a time. Please continue to pray for Pastor Saeed, who still stands strong for his faith, amidst torture, locked in a prison in Iran. And despite all this, he still sings praise songs. God is teaching me to do the same in my small trials, so that I will have strength to stand in the bigger ones to come.

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