Thursday, January 17, 2013

Are we "Fans" or "Followers"?

A little while back a friend introduced me to this book called NOT a Fan, by Kyle Idleman.

The book talks about how many Christians while professing to be followers of Christ really are just FANS! They know the stories of Jesus. They know the facts of the Bible. They do the good works of the Bible, but they haven’t truly surrendered their ALL to the God of the Bible!!

The whole concept of Fan versus Follower has gotten me thinking a lot about my own walk with God. Where do I stand? Who am I truly living for? Have I truly surrendered my all?? I mean, God knows my heart…and He knows I'm sincere…but yet, as He keeps bringing new things to my attention, I feel like I keep discovering more and more layers of the "Onion of Sin" in my heart which keep emerging to be purified and peeled away. Sometimes this can be rather disheartening… and yet I know that God allows this because He wants to save me. And "sin" of any variety, size, shape, culture, or form cannot exist and live in the presence of God. So this means, pretty much all of us have got some serious house cleaning and soul searching to do!

When I began this blog, about 17 days ago, I titled it "Morning Sonshine" to reflect the warmth of God's Son-shine that He sends us each day in His Word. As one friend told me when he first stopped by, "Your blog looks like a happy place to visit!" And in my heart, I intended for it to be just that: a happy place to visit; a place where I could share encouragement and hope for those who came to read. However, as you've probably noticed by now, it's not just a "happy place to visit" but it's becoming a convicting place to visit. And this is because much of my daily journey is about being more deeply  convicted of my need for more of Jesus! 

Todays blog is a bit longer than most, but let's reflect on this Fan versus Follower a bit more!

So what did Jesus come to do for us anyway??

It seems much of Christianity today is targeted to entertain us and make us happy. But as I read through God's Word, I find that Jesus didn't just come to inspire us and make us His fans. He came to change us and remake us into true dedicated Followers.

  • FANS don’t mind if Jesus makes some minor changes in our lives, but Jesus wants to turn our lives UPSIDE DOWN! (Ummm…. are we ready for this?)
  • FANS don’t mind Jesus doing some touch-up work, but He wants to do complete renovation! (But wait…I don't know about you, but I kinda like the way my life is arranged right now!)
  • FANS come to Jesus thinking tune-up, but Jesus is thinking complete overhaul! (Yeah, in my opinion… if He just "tuned-up" a few things…there's really not much more I need!)
  • FANS think a little decorating is required, but Jesus wants to do complete REMODEL! (Really, this is a bit extreme, don't you think? I like the way I've learned to live my life…I'm pretty successful at it. Of course, I know I could improve, but Jesus…. you want to tear it all down and start completely over?)

But wait a second…is this just about being a "Jesus Fan" or am I willing to be a completely dedicated all-my-heart-in Follower??? This is a tough question, even for a seasoned dedicated Christian like myself? (Ouch! Looks like I've still got some pride and arrogance that need to be cleaned away!) 

So, what does it really mean to walk with Jesus?

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." Matthew 16:25

I have to admit, I still don't think I know what it means to truly follow Jesus…but I'm asking Him to teach me. And even though it's not always comfortable, I know that His way is the better way. 

We are told in the inspiring book The Desire of Ages:

"God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the purpose they are fulfilling as coworkers with Him. Not Enoch, who was translated to heaven, not Elijah, who ascended in a chariot of fire, was greater or more honored than John the Baptist, who perished alone in the dungeon. “Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake.” Philippians 1:29. Of all the gifts that Heaven can bestow upon men, fellowship with Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the highest honor." p. 224

So am I just a fan…or am I willing to take up my cross and Follow…no matter the cost? 

Day 17 - Vit. B-3 Challenge

  • Bible Thought: I need to stop being a FAN and become a True Follower!
  • Blessing: God is showing me things I need to surrender as He takes me deeper!
  • My Battle: I need Him to help me keep focused so I don't get distracted. Even if I wake up late and can't take the time I need with Him before I go care for my grandma (which has been my struggle this week), I have to keep everything else (e-mails, text messages, ministry work) aside until I've gone and had that needed time with Him. It's not as easy after the day has started, and sometimes I feel like it takes me all morning to catch up…but God has been showing me, I cannot compromise! I must make my daily time with Him a priority! There are a thousand ways the devil tries to distract me, but I'm learning if I make Him first…He makes up the difference all throughout rest of the day!

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