Monday, January 21, 2013

Task for today? Do my best!!

Each morning I pray about what God wants me to do that day. Of course, I have my agenda, and I have my plans, but sometimes He changes those things. Today as I look at the coming week, I'm overwhelmed at all that I need to get done, yet I'm reminded that all He asks is that I do my best in the work that lies nearest.

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." Ecl. 9:10

So often, we settle for the easy road…we settle for less then what God plans for us. But sometimes, we also seek the most prestigious road, because we want the status and acclaim. We need to be careful to avoid both these extremes.

Here's a motivation quote that I could imagine from the late Zig Ziglar, or someone like that:

"Many do not become what they might, because they do not put forth the power that is in them. They do not, as they might, lay hold on divine strength. Many are diverted from the line in which they might reach the truest success. Seeking greater honor or a more pleasing task, they attempt something for which they are not fitted. Many a man whose talents are adapted for some other calling, is ambitious to enter a profession; and he who might have been successful as a farmer, an artisan, or a nurse, fills inadequately the position of a minister, a lawyer, or a physician. There are others, again, who might have filled a responsible calling, but who, for want of energy, application, or perseverance, content themselves with an easier place. We need to follow more closely God’s plan of life. To do our best in the work that lies nearest, to commit our ways to God, and to watch for the indications of His providence…" Education, p. 267

These are what we are told, ensure the safe choice of life and occupation!

So today…let us do the best at the work that lies nearest, commit our ways to God, and watch for indications of His providence!

Happy Monday everyone!

Day 21 - Vit. B-3 Challenge
  • Bible Thought: Do my BEST with what God gives me today!
  • Blessing: God is opening some more doors in ministry! Prayers are being answered!!
  • My Battle: To be temperate with my health and sleep. I'm a woman of extremes sometimes… I work hard, and I pray hard. But I've got to learn to take care of myself in the process… (This is my conscience speaking!… Wait, or was that my mother speaking?)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts to awaken to: Thankyou. A quote from Webster's 1828 dictionary challenges me to be as faithful as Mary was at Christ's feet: "imagination is the will working upon the materials of our memory." So the question that challenges me to action this a.m. is: will it be my own will, or my will united with with Christ through His word? In the womb of the morning we may gain the dew of our youth. .. Palm 110:3
