Sunday, January 06, 2013

Faithful Walking starts at Home!

Last night I met with some of the leadership for the Southern Union Ministerium (where we will be leading united prayer this week.) As we shared, prayed, and talked last night about our goal to see greater revival and spiritual breakthrough for these many ministers and their families, the predominant need that kept being expressed was to see "healing in the families." So many families are actually suffering because the Pastor may be a missionary to the world around him, but he's forgotten to be a missionary in the home. 

However, to be fair, I don't think this is just a Pastor's probem. It's something we all struggle with, myself included. It seems much easier to go around the world and share the gospel then it is to live it with those closest here at home.

That's why I think verses like Psalms 101:2 are sooooo vitally important when we think of how we are to WALK as Christians. (Yep! I'm still thinking about walking.) 

"I will walk within my house with a perfect heart." Psalm 101:2

We may dream of traveling across the ocean to be a missionary, and that's a great dream! But before we are to save the world, God calls us to be faithful missionaries with those closest…that means our roommates, our family members, a neighbor, or that church member that kinda gets under our skin. If we can't be faithful here, it's like dreaming of swimming in the ocean when we are practically drowning in our own bath-tub. Let's get our priorities straight…and first things must come first!

"The first great business of your life is to be a missionary at home...Our work for Christ is to begin with the family, in the home.... There is no missionary field more important than this." Christian Service, p. 206

Day 6 - Vit. B-3 Challenge
  • Bible Thought - Let's learn to walk with a PERFECT HEART at Home!
  • Blessing - Answered prayer! My luggage arrived safely! (1 day late, but at least it's here…since it left my home airport under someone else's name!)
  • Battle - Struggling with my health… "Lord, strengthen me to serve!" I need healing!

1 comment:

  1. So so so very blessed by this blog.. I mean each one you've posted.... Particularly struck by the imagery of your walking verses... If I followed them correctly, God leads, I walk as/with the indwelling of/with Christ and the Holy Spirit is right behind me. What a victorious picture that is!
